Hello Peeps, As I have been exploring blockchain and web3.0 lately, I thought, Why not document my learning in a blog? So Today we are gonna see how the web is been evolved.
WEB 1.0
Let's Do some time travel. Are you ready for it? Don't worry we are not going back to bring back infinity stones(if you are not a marvel fan .. ignore this line). Let's say you traveled back and now you are in 1995. You come across a website like this one Web1.0 example in which all you can do is consume information and anything else. You can just view the content on the web pages and that's it.
Web pages in web1.0 were just static pages where the role of the user was just to consume information and nothing else. We can it was the read-only era for users.
WEB 2.0
As we saw in web1.0, the user can just read the content on web pages. But in web2.0 users can also provide information. we can say web2.0 is the enhanced version of web1.0. It is a read-write era for a user. One simple example is Instagram, You can post photos, comment on photos, see what others have posted and etc. You can see the user is not only consuming information but also providing it. The data of users is stored on servers which is been handled by a centralized authority.
Well, it might seem to be amazing that even users are part of this read-write era. The data which is provided by the user is been used by centralized authorities. Like when you search for "laptops under 50000rs" on google you get advertisements for it on various websites or applications.
Once the data is stored on the servers of centralized authority the user doesn't really where their data is and for what purpose their data is been used by the authority. The data is owned by the authority they even sell it to their customers. The control of data is no more in the hands of the user.
We can say Web2.0 does give more involvement to users on the web. No doubt that it is been helpful to most of us But at the same time, data ownership and a lot of domains in web2.0 which we haven't discussed in this article are a concern.
WEB 3.0
So here we are on the 3rd version of the web "WEB3.0". I am sure you all have come across this term in the last 2-3 years. So what's new in this version of the web? WEB3.0 is based on blockchain technology. (I will be explaining blockchain in my next article so for now I won't be going much deep into the working of blockchain and how data is stored and all) Blockchain provides us with a decentralized network where our data will be stored.
A decentralized network means A network in which data is been stored on individual nodes around the world instead of stored data on servers that are owned by a particular authority. No one does really know in which node data is been stored. A Blockchain network is immutable and secured.
This also solves the issue of data ownership which we discussed in web2.0 because in Web3.0 the data is totally owned by the user. The user will have the authority over its data. The users get to decide how they want to store data or how their data can be used. web3.0 is still in its early stage but maybe in the future, we might get to see what we discussed above. There is a lot more in web3.0 which we will be discussing in further articles.
Hope you found this article helpful!!